Friday, October 19, 2012

My very own Chanel Bag, an edible bag

A Chanel Bag Cake, definitely need more practice
Seems like I have a cake to bake every week! My friend's birthday coming up and I asked her best friend what does she like, and she said, a Chanel bag. Her birthday is not until early November but I wanted to try it out first, so I made it with my mini cake. It doesn't look too great, but well, it's my first one, so I have room for improvement. 

It's a good idea to try it out in a smaller cake so you know what went wrong and how to do it better the next time, without wasting too much. I do not like to waste, and I'm a more practical person. I figured that I can use the own made cake board instead of spending $0.50-$1+ everytime when I decorate a cake, it end up in the garbage anyway, so why waste the money right? You can just use normal cardboard from boxes, cut it and wrap it with the aluminium foil that you can get a whole roll for $1!

A cake for my friend who had a new baby boy
Here's another cake I made for Ivy. I saw it on the tv, they put the nuts around the cake, and decided to try it too, and it turned out very good. It tasted great on the last one I made, so from now on I will put it on the side with my carrot cakes, it's the perfect combination. Sometimes, the simplest thing can be the best.

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