Friday, November 2, 2012

Pork Ribs

Pork side ribs from the crockpot

Here's a quick recipe for busy moms.

A rack of pork side ribs/ back ribs
2 tbs black bean sauce
5-8 shitake (chinese) mushroom
1 small squash

Chop the ribs into smaller pieces.
Heat the wok/ large pan, put the black bean sauce, stir it with some water.
Add the ribs, cook it for 10-15 minutes or until the meat is half cooked.
In a different pot, boil some water, add the mushroom when the water is boiling for about 10 minutes or until mushroom is well cooked.
Pour the ribs and the mushrooms into the slow-cooker(crockpot) for about 4-5 hours on high, stirring it a couple times.

This is a great recipe, you can prepare it in the morning on low heat before going out, and when you come home, the food will be waiting for you!

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