This will be a place for me to keep a record of my recipes from now onwards. It used to be called My Little Diary and True Love Stories but I've decided not to reveal so much of myself, not to talk so much of others, but just to talk about food, recipes, and my little darlings once awhile. I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Feel free to send me a message.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Merry Christmas! and A happy New Year

Friday, December 17, 2010
Happy birthday Noah
Noah had his first icecream, he didnt like it. Perhaps it was too cold. It was so funny that the little girl licked the cake when we were not watching. I only saw it after in our camcorder, while I was telling her mom how to use the camcorder, she licked it and she was caught on the video!
Noah loves the balloons. He was so happy playing with them, spent so much time with them. It was a good investment. I just need to get him balloons for his birthdays next time. I got really tired by the end of the day, and i didnt get much sleep for a couple days. Only 1 more birthday party to go and I will get my rest, hopefully.
My aunt is coming tomorrow. I'm so excited and happy that they are coming. It's so nice of them to come all the way here to celebrate Noah's birthday. The weather is so crappy, yet so many people are coming. Noah's a lucky boy.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Winter Wonderland..Really?
I am feeling depressed. The weather did the job. And Cathay Pacific (CX) emailed me about their promotion. IT's $500 cheaper now than before. I was really tempted to buy the ticket and just fly back to the warmer weather. But it won't work. Hubby wouldn't let me. Noah will have a fit in the aircraft, it's 15+5 hours flight, and 2.5 hours for transit. It will not happen.. but I really wish to escape from here.
Only 2 more days until Noah's birthday. Haven't got any motivation at all. All gloomy and dark outside.. and inside. I'm going to take Noah to school, so somebody can watch him while I go get his brithday cake tomorrow.. Hope everything goes well. There's so much to do yet I feel like doing nothing at all. Hubby please come home quick...
Sunday, December 12, 2010
This weekend
9 it looks like turnip with potato skin).
I spent the weekend cleaning, mopping, wiping, dusting... doing laundry.. really tired now. I am so upset that hubby is going away when I needed him most, well I need him most of the time but I need him now, before the parties, well at least he is gonna be back for his birthday.
I hate waking up at 6 am in the morning, and I usually couldn't sleep until 1 am, so I will be very sleep deprieved. I will try to sleep, or have to sleep whenever I can. Can you believe, that one year has come and gone.. last year, this time I lost my mucous plug and was expecting anytime. This year this time, I am busy planning for his birthday.
Whatever it is, I really hope that this year will be a better year, not that last year wasn't good, it was just really tough. I had to spend Christmas in the hospital, and was so so tired and so emotional.. (I actually cried and didn't want to see anybody then). Well, on the bright side, I get to see Christmas carol. I have never seen one in my life, and that is a great experience indeed. Good work to those who vonlunteered and sing Christmas carol and cheer patients in the hospital. It was really a good job.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
A Pot Noeldle Christmas - by Pot Noodle
The Noodle van is here, the Noodle van is here...
Celebrating the launch of the Christmas Dinner flavoured Pot Noeldle!! Check out our Facebook page for more info.
2 weeks til Xmas!!!
I was out shopping again but I didn't buy much. I dont have anything that I really want and I should stop buying unneccesary items. Anyway, here's a video on how to carve a turkey. I never know how to carve a turkey, hubby does it but this video teaches you how to carve it nicely. Enjoy, and hope you'll have a wonderful Xmas and great turkey dinner.. if you are making one :)
How to carve a turkey
Learn the best way to carve a turkey this Christmas with Tesco Real Food
The turkey is a staple of most Christmas day meals, but for many, tackling a turkey can be a bit of a struggle. After all, most of us only cook it once a year, and carving for the whole family can be a high pressure situation. At Tesco Real Food we want to make Christmas easy, so this step-by-step video gives you all the tips you need for the big day.
At Tesco Real Food you'll also find over 100 tried and tested Christmas recipes. There are turkey tips, all the trimmings, sauces and accompaniments, plus lots of delicious desserts and party food. You can even find a meal planner to help you plan the perfect festive menu.
The site is also packed with thousands of inspiring, delicious recipes to suit any occasion. Whether customers are looking for a quick mid-week meal for the family or something for a special event, users are sure to find exactly what they're looking for. In addition, a range of step-by-step cooking tips and videos to help improve kitchen skills can be found, as well as healthy eating and cooking with kids sections. To make shopping even easier, every recipe has a ready-made shopping list that can be used to add all the ingredients to the shopping basket in just a few clicks.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Impulsive Shopping
I think I will have to return some really soon. Some are for my mom, some for my friend, but I still have way too many. The good thing about the shopping policy here is you can return them anytime. I bought 5 shirts for my bro and he only wanted 2, so I returned the shirts but unfortunately it was over 30 days so they gave me merchandise credit.. the more reason to go back and shop, and another reason I have less $ in my bank... sigh.
Noah's birthday is coming pretty soon.. and I ordered/bought him 9 helium balloons cost $20.34. Another impulsive behaviour. I really hate myself for not thinking twice and not able to decide... and I like everything.. so in the end I had to get everything. I really think I should stop spending because I have no more income coming in. I've already tender my resignation letter.. perhaps I'll have to work part time or something or I will never get to shop again... don't ask me about hubby giving me money because I've never asked anybody for money in my life. I make my own money and spend my own money.. that's how it is.. and will always be.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Christmas is coming!
We went to another party afterthat. Noah's buddy TJ, having his first birthday. They actually had a roast pig for the dinner! It was so huge that you can feed the village.. or the street. It was pretty good, and they had a fancy birthday cake. The more stress for me to make Noah's birthday as good.
Noah's birthday is coming up soon. Can't believe he's almost one! I'm trying to wean him off, but at the same time I might miss nursing him. He's teething again, number 4 and 5 coming out pretty soon. He was so whiney yesterday I had to sleep with him. I haven't been sleeping well lately for the record. I don't know why but I just couldn't sleep. Perhaps I'm too excited for everything, Xmas is coming, Noah's birthday parties, shopping .. and everything else.
I have to divide Noah's birthday party into 2 days because I was worried that I can't manage having too many people in the house. So his buddies are coming on Thursday, and families come on Saturday. That way we can spend more quality time together. Hopefully it goes well, I have so many preparation to do that I had to start baking earlier this year.. I'm afraid I'll be too busy later... less time on FB.
I feel like FB is like a big Vacuum or a magnet...something like that, I'm always getting sucked into it. Sigh. I tried hard not to play the games but it does help release my stress.. when my little boy is not pulling my pants. I can hardly do anything because he pulls my pants all the time. sigh...
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Noah's First Bite

I got bitten by Noah today. He's got 3 teeth now, and forth one halfway. This little guy sure has some big attitude. The picture is quite faint, but it's there. I was feeding him and lately he likes to grab the spoon and feed himself. I tried to get it back and I got bitten!It was painful at that time, and shocking too. What a lil' brat!
Noah's walking with his walker, and he will try to walk on anything that moves. He will grab your pants and try to walk. He will hold on to anything to stand. He jsut won't stop moving. Sometimes I don't know to laugh or get mad at him... he is just so silly... and his latest favourite toy? POTATO!
I'll have to post some pictures next time. Daddy got a bag of potatoes, and he has been playing with his 'toys'. I always find his 'toys' in unexpected places, in my bag, in the shoes, in his dirty laundry, behind the radio, just about anywhere he can reach. He is surely keeping mommy busy!