Saturday, April 9, 2011

She's finally conscious :)

This week was like a roller coaster ride for me. Last weekend, hubby has hockey tournament, and I was busy with my citizenship exam. I was excited, and ready to get it over with, and I have to wait up to 4 months for the result! Anyway that part is over.

Then I got that bad news about my neighbour. I prayed and prayed for her. I am not a very religious person, and I gave up on God after my brother passed away. I was thinking to convert if she survives, and get better. Anyway my son and hubby's family are Catholic, we can go to heaven together after death, otherwise I will be separated from my son right?

The good news is, my neighbour woke up. She is talking now, weak, but she is getting better. It's such a big relief. I feel so much lighter now. I am not a part of her family, I am just a nosy neighbour, but yet I felt so sad. I was so worried for her husband and her daughter. I brought him food, and make sure he didn't faint or anything like that.. pheww.. I hope it's going to get better.

I was really happy today. We went to light a candle for her in the church. I do not know how to pray. Hubby said you just have to say it in your heart. You do not need to convert because you want to pray for her. You just need to do it in your heart and he will hear you. I told him what if he didn't hear me? I just want to make sure you know.. I don't want to lose such a good neighbour. I might be annoying but I will do anything for her to get better. anything at all, to save a life. I will. Now I can have a good sleep tonight :)

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