I've been pretty busy lately, and having a lot of mood swings. I just get so moody and get annoyed so easily. Hubby's away for work again and being home alone with the naughty boy doesn't help much. I am just exhausted. I know it will be worse when this other one is born. We went for the ultrasound 2 weeks ago. Thank god it was a healthy baby.

This is my little baby's foot. The technician asked us if I wanted to find out the gender, or should we wait for hubby to come in to find out together, I said it will only be fair if we find out the same time. Unfortunately, the baby is very stubborn, she/he wouldn't change position. We tried emptying the bladder, walking around, turning left and right, and after 45 minutes, still won't move. Whenever I move, the baby move with me, the spinal facing up.

In the end, we did not get to find out the gender. The legs were very tightly crossed.. but he/she was playing with the toes, this is a picture of he/she grabbing the toes... Poor thing, it must be the only entertainment inside mommy's little tummy, but isn't it amazing how they can do so much even when they are so little?
The #1 was moving too much that the technician had a hard time taking a picture, and this time, he/she hardly moved at all, too comfy in that position. I got a feeling it's gonna be a girl, I might be wrong though. Most mommy told me how they can't find out their lil girl's gender and having the same problem, with the crossed legs.. well, keep my finger crossed. The doctor's sending me back for another ultrasound in 6-7 weeks~ Maybe we'll be able to find out then, or not.
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