Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Merry Christmas! and A happy New Year

OMG I have been so so so busy.. I am glad it's all over now. I was busy with the parties, it was alright. I hope Noah had a good time, and all the guests too. We went to my in laws place after my aunt and my cousin went back to DC. I hope they had a good time here. The weather was kinda crappy.
Noah's got lots of toys, books, and new clothes. I wish they just give him cash instead. He has similar stuff already and we just stored them away. I think kids do not need too many toys. But I can't just ask people to give him money, people just like going shopping and buying gifts, although they are very unnecessary.
I've finally got my GPS this year. Hubby got it for me. I wanted it for a long time because I want to go to the States shopping, and I am pretty bad at directions. Hopefully I'll get to use it soon. I got a breadmaker from my in laws. We already tried it out, it's so cool that it does all the job, you just need to put the ingredients inside. Now we'll get fresh bread all the time, and it taste better!
I've got more Coach stuff for Xmas this year. My MIL got me a towel, my aunty gave me a hat when she was here... and I got good deals for a pair of shoes, bag and a sling bag. They are so cheap, I am so happy. I bought so many things the past few days.. there's some good sales, not that great but good enough.. and I m trying not to over spend again. (I m going to check out the store again tomorrow ... for just one last time )

Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy birthday Noah

It was Noah's birthday yesterday. 3 kids never show up, they were sick. It was great with less kids anyway, they get to spend more quality time together. Noah got lots of presents, as usual. He is such a lucky boy. Thanks to all who came and brought him gifts.

Noah had his first icecream, he didnt like it. Perhaps it was too cold. It was so funny that the little girl licked the cake when we were not watching. I only saw it after in our camcorder, while I was telling her mom how to use the camcorder, she licked it and she was caught on the video!

Noah loves the balloons. He was so happy playing with them, spent so much time with them. It was a good investment. I just need to get him balloons for his birthdays next time. I got really tired by the end of the day, and i didnt get much sleep for a couple days. Only 1 more birthday party to go and I will get my rest, hopefully.

My aunt is coming tomorrow. I'm so excited and happy that they are coming. It's so nice of them to come all the way here to celebrate Noah's birthday. The weather is so crappy, yet so many people are coming. Noah's a lucky boy.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Winter Wonderland..Really?

We got more snow today. Look at that! I spent Noah's nap time shovelling the driveway, only to hear him crying when I came back into the house. Hubby's gone for work again, left me and my lil boy. We haven't gone out for 2 days already. The weather is so crappy, not only cold but windy.

I am feeling depressed. The weather did the job. And Cathay Pacific (CX) emailed me about their promotion. IT's $500 cheaper now than before. I was really tempted to buy the ticket and just fly back to the warmer weather. But it won't work. Hubby wouldn't let me. Noah will have a fit in the aircraft, it's 15+5 hours flight, and 2.5 hours for transit. It will not happen.. but I really wish to escape from here.

Only 2 more days until Noah's birthday. Haven't got any motivation at all. All gloomy and dark outside.. and inside. I'm going to take Noah to school, so somebody can watch him while I go get his brithday cake tomorrow.. Hope everything goes well. There's so much to do yet I feel like doing nothing at all. Hubby please come home quick...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

This weekend

Today I bake 3 tins of pineapple rolls. Actually just 2 tins, I was running out of pineapple jam so I used my leftover raspberry/strawberry jam and then grape jelly, all homemade. I make 2 tins of peanut butter cookies last week and we ate 1... so I decided to bake more this time. I was going to make pie-tee cups today but I just realize I couldn't get mengkuang/sengkuang/ they call it jicama bean here
9 it looks like turnip with potato skin).

I spent the weekend cleaning, mopping, wiping, dusting... doing laundry.. really tired now. I am so upset that hubby is going away when I needed him most, well I need him most of the time but I need him now, before the parties, well at least he is gonna be back for his birthday.

I hate waking up at 6 am in the morning, and I usually couldn't sleep until 1 am, so I will be very sleep deprieved. I will try to sleep, or have to sleep whenever I can. Can you believe, that one year has come and gone.. last year, this time I lost my mucous plug and was expecting anytime. This year this time, I am busy planning for his birthday.

Whatever it is, I really hope that this year will be a better year, not that last year wasn't good, it was just really tough. I had to spend Christmas in the hospital, and was so so tired and so emotional.. (I actually cried and didn't want to see anybody then). Well, on the bright side, I get to see Christmas carol. I have never seen one in my life, and that is a great experience indeed. Good work to those who vonlunteered and sing Christmas carol and cheer patients in the hospital. It was really a good job.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Pot Noeldle Christmas - by Pot Noodle

Check this out.. Noodle Van.. how cute.

The Noodle van is here, the Noodle van is here...

Celebrating the launch of the Christmas Dinner flavoured Pot Noeldle!! Check out our Facebook page for more info.

2 weeks til Xmas!!!

Can you believe it, there's only 14 days til' Christmas?! Everybody is on their festive mood now. I was planning to bake and bake but I'm gonna be too busy, will try to bake more because we ate half of the cookies already.

I was out shopping again but I didn't buy much. I dont have anything that I really want and I should stop buying unneccesary items. Anyway, here's a video on how to carve a turkey. I never know how to carve a turkey, hubby does it but this video teaches you how to carve it nicely. Enjoy, and hope you'll have a wonderful Xmas and great turkey dinner.. if you are making one :)

How to carve a turkey
Learn the best way to carve a turkey this Christmas with Tesco Real Food

The turkey is a staple of most Christmas day meals, but for many, tackling a turkey can be a bit of a struggle. After all, most of us only cook it once a year, and carving for the whole family can be a high pressure situation. At Tesco Real Food we want to make Christmas easy, so this step-by-step video gives you all the tips you need for the big day.

At Tesco Real Food you'll also find over 100 tried and tested Christmas recipes. There are turkey tips, all the trimmings, sauces and accompaniments, plus lots of delicious desserts and party food. You can even find a meal planner to help you plan the perfect festive menu.

The site is also packed with thousands of inspiring, delicious recipes to suit any occasion. Whether customers are looking for a quick mid-week meal for the family or something for a special event, users are sure to find exactly what they're looking for. In addition, a range of step-by-step cooking tips and videos to help improve kitchen skills can be found, as well as healthy eating and cooking with kids sections. To make shopping even easier, every recipe has a ready-made shopping list that can be used to add all the ingredients to the shopping basket in just a few clicks.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Impulsive Shopping

Have you ever felt insecure when you update your book and realize there's not much left in your bank account? I got a shock lately that I have nothing left in my account to spend. And more shockingly, I have 12 unused bags, 4 coin purses, 2 wristlets, 2 brand new wallets in my closet. What have I done?!

I think I will have to return some really soon. Some are for my mom, some for my friend, but I still have way too many. The good thing about the shopping policy here is you can return them anytime. I bought 5 shirts for my bro and he only wanted 2, so I returned the shirts but unfortunately it was over 30 days so they gave me merchandise credit.. the more reason to go back and shop, and another reason I have less $ in my bank... sigh.

Noah's birthday is coming pretty soon.. and I ordered/bought him 9 helium balloons cost $20.34. Another impulsive behaviour. I really hate myself for not thinking twice and not able to decide... and I like everything.. so in the end I had to get everything. I really think I should stop spending because I have no more income coming in. I've already tender my resignation letter.. perhaps I'll have to work part time or something or I will never get to shop again... don't ask me about hubby giving me money because I've never asked anybody for money in my life. I make my own money and spend my own money.. that's how it is.. and will always be.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas is coming!

Noah finally met Santa. It was a busy weekend last week. First we had the Xmas party, Noah got a present, and a little Eeyore.. He wasn't too crazy about it, he was more fascinate by the apple juice bottles. He was a pretty good boy, didnt cry when the scary Santa held him.

We went to another party afterthat. Noah's buddy TJ, having his first birthday. They actually had a roast pig for the dinner! It was so huge that you can feed the village.. or the street. It was pretty good, and they had a fancy birthday cake. The more stress for me to make Noah's birthday as good.

Noah's birthday is coming up soon. Can't believe he's almost one! I'm trying to wean him off, but at the same time I might miss nursing him. He's teething again, number 4 and 5 coming out pretty soon. He was so whiney yesterday I had to sleep with him. I haven't been sleeping well lately for the record. I don't know why but I just couldn't sleep. Perhaps I'm too excited for everything, Xmas is coming, Noah's birthday parties, shopping .. and everything else.

I have to divide Noah's birthday party into 2 days because I was worried that I can't manage having too many people in the house. So his buddies are coming on Thursday, and families come on Saturday. That way we can spend more quality time together. Hopefully it goes well, I have so many preparation to do that I had to start baking earlier this year.. I'm afraid I'll be too busy later... less time on FB.

I feel like FB is like a big Vacuum or a magnet...something like that, I'm always getting sucked into it. Sigh. I tried hard not to play the games but it does help release my stress.. when my little boy is not pulling my pants. I can hardly do anything because he pulls my pants all the time. sigh...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Noah's First Bite

I haven't been writing lately. It wasn't really because I was busy. Well I was busy sometimes, but most of the times I just don't feel like writing. You know when you have this, ME time that you want to not do anything and just be by yourself.

I got bitten by Noah today. He's got 3 teeth now, and forth one halfway. This little guy sure has some big attitude. The picture is quite faint, but it's there. I was feeding him and lately he likes to grab the spoon and feed himself. I tried to get it back and I got bitten!It was painful at that time, and shocking too. What a lil' brat!

Noah's walking with his walker, and he will try to walk on anything that moves. He will grab your pants and try to walk. He will hold on to anything to stand. He jsut won't stop moving. Sometimes I don't know to laugh or get mad at him... he is just so silly... and his latest favourite toy? POTATO!

I'll have to post some pictures next time. Daddy got a bag of potatoes, and he has been playing with his 'toys'. I always find his 'toys' in unexpected places, in my bag, in the shoes, in his dirty laundry, behind the radio, just about anywhere he can reach. He is surely keeping mommy busy!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Noah's Baptism

It was a busy weekend. It was Noah's big day. He was a pretty good boy, first time in a church, and he was getting baptised. We got this cake from Dairy Queen for him, but he cant eat it.. too bad.
Finally the wingas came, a week too late

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I was writing my blog 5 mins ago, when my lil boy turned it off.. by accident.. sigh. Now mommy has to write again, with a sore wrist. It was a busy day yesterday. I went to the doctor to check my wrist.. and had to wait, as usual. Then the nurse sent me to get an x-ray, in another location, and had to wait for more.. They said they'll send the result to the doctor by Wednesday and if there's no news it will be good news for me.

I got a flu shot on the way out, after I saw a big sign " Flu shot available" . It's the flu season again, and I thought it was a good idea to get the shot since I was already there. To cut it short.. after spending so much time.. getting the medical attention needed... I feel sicker than before. My wrist still hurts, my arm is sore from the shot.. and my throat is getting sore.. and I got runny nose.. and the flu shot is suppose to help? I guess not, how irony?

If I m still in malaysia, there'll be probably some chinese doctor that can help massage and make it better.. but here, everything depends on yourself, you have to heal by yourself. There's nothing to make it better. Sigh.. loudly.

I'm just going to rest, hopefully.. I can get some rest.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

So how was my(our) Halloween? It was the first, and it was awesome, cold, but cool. We carved the pumpkins a day before, and Noah was a big help, as usual.
There weren't as many kids this year, but it was a good number, and we have an unopened box of chips, and half a box of chocolate bars. Noah got lots of candies for mommy ;) and a lil ball from my neighbour, how considerate of her. Noah loves the ball... and mommy loves the candies.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Beesy Day

Tuning up with the radio
Playing with my toys

Buzzing around in the kitchen

Looking for trouble

Trying to flee out

Oh no.. I'm trapped in this house.. kekeke

Friday, October 29, 2010

Time flies

Can you believe it.. it has been almost 1 year! I was searching on google, how to write a 2 week's notice letter. I wasn't realy planning to go back to work. I felt that I wasn't really appreciated for my hard work there, my boss didn't even give me a card when I had my baby, and he asked me to get back to work, 2 weeks after I had him! I just got out from the hospital then, I think it was really inconsiderate. I was really mad then, but then he is a guy and you knw how guys are.

My MIL was encouraging me to do something, take a course or something, or if I am to take a course, I would prefer to go back to work, at least I can make $ and not spend more $. I'm not sure if I should go back and work once a week, or something.. but at the same time I feel unappreciated to be working there, although I do enjoy working...but on the other hand.. I do not get paid much... see how it goes back and forth.. the advantages ..and disadvantages..

I guess I will just have to hand in my resignation.. it's almost 47 weeks already! Time flies. I'll have to start planning for Noah's birthday party soon.. Who's coming?

Happy Halloween..

We had an awesome time at the school's Halloween Party today. Noah was dressed as my little monkey. He looked so cute in the outfit. This is both our first Halloween. Mommy was dressed as Alice in Wonderland, and will be a vampire on Sunday.

We bought lots of candies ( Cadbury chocolate) and Doritos chips, it's my favourite. Hubby said to get the good stuff, in case if we have leftover we will eat it, not to give away crappy stuff like most of other people does. Last year we didn't get as many kids because of the flu. Hopefully this year we get to see more kids around.

Here's and ad from Doritos, it's kinda cool, you can scroll 360 degrees.. how fancy

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Beware of Scams..

Recently, my brother told me that he sold his old stuff, furnitures.. appliances.. etc online. There's a local M'sian forum that's very popular and he posted his unwanted items there, and did managed to sell them. He also told me that there's a lot of people selling Coach bags there, and I checked it out. They are usually stocks directly from the factory in the States, at a reasonable price but I m not sure if they are replica.

Anyway, my brother was trying to sell his stuff... and then he got this email from Katy Perry from UK, asking about the cost to send to her. She sounded interested, and then asked for whatever else that he's got.. and she wanted all the items! And what's strange was, she asked to be sent to Nigeria. It sounds so fishy, and my brother told me it's a scam. They have been doing this kinda thing lately, and then somewhere in between the items will be lost, you don't get paid, and might even have to pay for the lost item.

For those who are selling things online, beware of this kinda situation. I got tempted into buying things online the other day. I bought a pair of angel wings for Noah, hoping it will be here before Halloween, but I don't think it will be in time for it. I also bought devil horn (LED lights) and an ugly mask. I regreted buying them now. I found better deals at the store here, they were 75% off! And those items will not be here for Halloween this year :(

No more buying stuff online.. or even selling..

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

You're all in my Limited Profile list

Due to safety reason, I've recently restrict my FB friends, all to limited profile and only those who message me will be retrieved to my normal friend list. There has been so many cases, in the news.. and in my real life with stalkers. This will be a wise way, and I feel safer because I know who is viewing my profile.

I have a friend who deactivated her Fb, but recently reactivated again. I think by limiting the viewers, it will be better than deactivating it. Why do you wanna deactivate because you have too many friends in your list? Just put them all in your limited profile so they can't bother your real life.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Lil' Pumpkin

Grandma bought Noah more clothes.. so we tried it out on our little model. Outfit #1, Christmas Outfit.
Outfit #2, don't know what but look like artist.. or oldman?

Outfit #3, all white for his baptism.
Little froggie hat, grandma made for him.
Finally, here's my lil' pumpkin :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Shopping.. shopping...

The photo book is finally here! After waiting for 2 whole weeks! I was going to make another one for my in laws' xmas present, but I am thinking twice. It's not too bad, but it takes too long to arrive.
I went shopping this morning. I had to go, baby Gap sent me a 30% off anything in the store voucher, valid today only. ( I went to Esprit 2 days ago because they sent me a $7.50 cash voucher, managed to get a tshirt for hubby for 7.90!) I love free coupons and vouchers, they give me more excuses to go shopping.

I was feeling a little bit down yesterday. Somebody upset me, and my other hand hurts too.. Now I'm feeling a lot better after shopping. I bought all these items at Old Navy, they sent me a coupon 15% off including sales items! It was such a good deal, I can't help but buy these stuff... and guess how much I spent altogether? $23.15!! I couldn't decide which t-shirt I like better so I bought them both.

I love this sweater, it matches my new purple bag. The little devil horn will be for my Halloween, kinda costume. Just dress in black and wear that horn. I bought angel wings for Noah from ebay, hopefully it will arrives before Halloween.. We'll be the perfect macth, a baby Angel with Devil mom.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Top 10 Favourite Coach Bags (including 1 wallet )

I love this Madison Maggie 14336. It has so many compartments inside (it's divided into 3 parts, with zipper in the middle). Unfortunately, my mom loves it too, so I had to let it go, well.. I am waiting for the same design in a different colour to be on sale..hopefully soon!
Tonal Patchwork Bleeker Tote #12899. My first ever bag bought at the new outlet here. I was crazy about it at some time.. seems like long time ago. It looks good with jeans, casual.. and kinda hip, don't you think so? I only used it less than 10 times. The disadvantage of the bag is, it's can't be fully closed (zipped). If the bag fell over the things can roll out from the sides. It's still a pretty good bag.

Coach Resort Soft Leather Top Handle #42167. I loved this bag. It's not too big or too small. It's just big enough to put a wallet, a bottle of water and phone/small camera. I used this bag many times during the summer. It look cute and feminine with dresses :)

Heritage Stripe Tote Khaki Coffee #11350. This is my very first Coach bag, bought in Sacramento. I was never a fan of Coach. I was never a bag person. I just bought it because my bag broke and I needed a bag, and I started with this. I bought it at a normal retail store and cost me more than the outlet here. It's worth it, as I've used it many times. It's really practical, especially when I was pregnant, I only wanted to drink chocolate milk or juice, can't wake water. This bag is big enough to fit 2 thermos, and they can be put upright, but even when it spilled, it can be easily washed off. Love it!

Julia Op Art Large Wristlet 43789. I never really like wristlet but this is an exception. This wristlet is large enough it can almost be a small little shoulder bag. I take this to the gym, it's just a nice size to put my gym membership card, a cellphone, car keys and my IDs. It's very practical, yet stylist. Great investment.

Kristin Enbossed Exotic Slim Envelope Wallet #43650. I've been using an ID holder and a coin purse until I met this wallet. My original intention was to match my other bag (below), but I'm loving it more and more. You might think it's easy to get dirty but believe me, it does not. It actually look nicer than the picture.. and the colour is just so, clean. Love it, Love it.. Loving it.

Kristin Leather Hobo #14783. This was first the bag I got for cheap, really cheap. It was in the damaged section, suppose to have markings, but I managed to clean it off. White is hard to maintain, but with the proper leather care, it can be well-kept. It's really a bargain, I was using this as my diaper bag, because it's so convenient, it's large enough to put everything, and I can use it as a sling.

Julia Op Art Swingpack # 44245. When I saw this bag, I knew I had to get it. I've never seen a swingpack bag that has black belts on it. They are usually beige, and I did not like them, as they can get dirty, and looked dirty. I use this bag whenever I do not have to carry my baby with me. It's just a nice size to put my big wallet, a phone and maybe some other small items.

Kristin Leather Satchel # 14782. My great bargain! I've never imagine I can get anything better than this. was only about $90, because of the little dent( scratches) from the handles being pressed onto the leather, leaving markings on it. I managed to wipe it off, and hide the rest with a lovely ribbon. It's a good bag, with 2 compartments can can be zipped and fully closed. For the price, I can never be happier!

Multifunction Tote (Babybag) #F15134. I fell in love with this bag immediately. I wanted to buy it, but it was too expensive. Thanks to my mother-in-law and the lovely salesgirl who found it for me, my dream came true. It comes with the change pad, and it has lots of little compartments inside, so I can organize and put all the baby stuff in each compartments. It's such a lovely colour, not too girlish, yet sweet enough... simply pink.

I hate waiting

I'm waiting. I am waiting for my photobook to arrive in my mailbox. They emailed and informed me that is should be here around 16-22nd, tomorrow should be the last day to wait, what happen if it still doesn't arrives? Do I get my money back?

I hate waiting. I'm waiting for the result of the Zeller's Babyface Contest. I entered Noah, just to try if he can actually win something since everybody told me he is such a doll. It will be good if he can actually win something. Results should be last Wednesday, but well, I'm still waiting.

I'm still waiting. I'm waiting for my Priority Club, "Anywhere Challenge" guess the picture game contest ( It was fun, but it's only for US, UK and Canada's resident. Some people got too serious in this game.. It's just nice to take it easy.. I've won several times weeks before, and I haven't got my points yet.. I'm waiting.

I'm waiting for another hour. We go to school everyday, and we usually go to library today, but there's 2 people who wants to join us at the school this morning. I called them at 850 and they said they can't get ready until 10. I guess not everybody can get ready as fast I do. So now I'm waiting.. taking my own sweet time.. waiting .. and waiting .. and waiting.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dating 2.0 - Create your perfect woman

How funny.. create your own perfect woman? I wish I can create a man too.. not that hubby is not good enough.. Well I guess I don't really need to after all.. I wonder if it will really work.

Welcome to Dating 2.0, the 21st Century way to make a date. We have revolutionised dating, giving you the chance to create your perfect partner... cheekier smile? You've got it. Higher intelligence? You've got it. Come in and explore the amazing options & configure your perfect date today.

I need a vacation, even if it's just a rollercoaster ride..can I?

I need a vacation!! I need one, very badly. We used to go to Canada's wonderland every other week, and Marineland, of course that was before we got him. Now I can't go anywhere. Yes, he is still breastfeeding, and he won't take much food (although he has one tooth coming out). The food has to be really smooth or hhe'll throw it back out. When will I ever get to go for a vacation again? I'm long overdue for one :(

Be in to win £50,000 with Rollercoaster Extreme
Play Barclaycard’s Rollercoaster Extreme game. You could win an iPad, a trip to Las Vegas or £50,000*.

Barclaycard’s Rollercoaster Extreme is now even more exciting. As well as new multiplayer and ghost racing game functionality, we’re now available for download on the iPad! Even better, you can now also be in to win yourself an iPad, a trip to Las Vegas and even £50,000*!

Simply download Barclaycard’s Rollercoaster Extreme game for free, submit your top score to the Barclaycard Rollercoaster Facebook Leaderboard and you could be a big winner! Every month Barclaycard will be giving away an iPad to the player with the highest score for that month. They’ll also be sending the four all-time top scorers on a trip to Las Vegas for the Rollercoaster Extreme game playoffs. Once in Vegas they’ll play each other for the chance to win £50,000 at NYNY Hotel – which has its very own rollercoaster.

To re-cap the new and previous game features:

NEW. Multiplayer functionality, challenge the person next to you on all eight tracks
NEW. Ghost racing mode, try to beat the times of our top racers all over the world
Race around a 3D New York City
Unlock new areas in the game
Interact with the game environment on every ride
Tilt the screen to dodge obstacles or grab speed boosting energisers
Collect special Rollercoaster Extreme rider badges at every level

This new game is inspired by the Barclaycard Rollercoaster TV ad. If you missed it, you can check it out at You’ll also find a demo of game there, so you can see just how fun it is!

*Competition closes 4 January 2011. See terms and conditions.

It's 10 degree Celcius outside and yet I'm melting..

Noah loves playing with our shoes. He got this " I know I am not suppose to do it,but I'm doing it anyway" look when I screamed at him not to do it. How can your heart not melt when you see this charming little lady killer?
I hurt my wrist the other day, from trying to restrain him not to move when I was changing his diaper and holding him to pee in the toilet. He likes to struggle, and he is getting heavier each day and he's pretty strong too. My wrist is hurting more and more, I think I will have to stop using my left hand for a while, hopefully it will get better.
It's really not very easy to handle this mischievous lil' boy. He is always on the move. Lately, he likes to pretend running (crawling) away from mommy or daddy when we pretended to chase him. His silliness always makes mommy forgets about everything else, well how can anyone stay mad at him at all?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


We celebrated Thanksgiving 2 weeks ago, a month earlier than the Thanksgiving in USA. Normally my parents-in-law will have turkey dinner (lunch) but they were away with my hubby's brother in the States. I told hubby, we gotta make our own turkey dinner, so we did it. We get turkey dinner 3 times a year for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

It was the best turkey ever! I never used to like turkey because I had a bad one in Malaysia, just once, and I thought all the turkey taste so ..tasteless! I didn't know why would anybody like anything so.. untasty, roast chicken is simply a lot better.. but it's more like a tradition here I guess. This turkey was really tasty, as good as roast chicken. Hubby decided to spend a little more to buy an expensive one, but I think the money spent is well worth it.

They usually have a lot of side dishes such as coleslaw,mashed potatoes, carrots & onion, stuffing & dressing, and even cranberry jam. We finish it off with pumpkin pie, one my favourite pies ( and I used to dislike pies too). Sorry to post this blog a little late, was so busy, and then I realize I haven't post it yet.. and here it is.. better late then never!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Messy, messy, messy

I asked hubby what's his favourite part of the weekend.. and guess what he said?
"Wifee cleaning the house!"
I hate cleaning the house.. dishes.. or any cleaning at all, but for the sake of my precious little one, I have to do it, frequently. I don't know where the dust came from, they just pile up again and again.. and Noah loves to find every single tiny little thing to put it in his mouth!

I used to be a very messy person. Well, nobody taught me how to be organized, until I met hubby. He was a super tidy person, he believes in 'fengshui'. Have to be decluttered to have good 'chi' around the house, that was what he told me.

I still hate cleaning anything, but I'm doing better at it, with hubby's encouragements, and for my little precious darling's health sake, which is a big motivation for me to keep cleaning up everytime after he mess it up again. I guess little Noah likes to be messy too.. or he just loves to see me cleaning again and again... picking everything after he mess it up.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Noah turns 10!

Noah turned 10 yesterday. It was a busy day. We started our day by going to the baby sale at 8am! They sell gently used(some are new too) baby/kids stuff. It's like a big garage sale in a hall.
I was a little disappointed because I was expecting to see more stuff as it was before in April. It started at 9am but people went as early as 7am! (They still had to wait tho'). It's not like Noah need more toys (he already have 3 rooms full of toys, from his cousins), but mommy just like going shopping.

We got him a lil' aeroplane(bike), a sleigh for the winter (he really likes it, and was crying when I took him out of it), a white dress shirt for his coming baptism next month, a Toronto Maple Leaf jersey (only because they have been winning the games lately), a laptop (because he always wants to play with the computer, now he got his own), flashcards, alphabet mat, 5 bowls and 5 plates... Guess how much I spent for all that? Only $36.50!

We went to the mall later and saw the same sleigh.. a brand new one cost $34.99+13%tax! I guess we got a very good deal. I don't really want to spend too much on kids stuff cos they grow up so fast and they don't really use all the things as much.. so gently used stuff are good enough, and it's just a fraction of the brand new item's price.

Noah was so happy playing with all his new toys ( only educational toys), it was well worth it. Well, happy 10th birthday!

Friday, October 15, 2010

OMG More Coach Bags?

Right : Coach 14783

Left: Coach Kristin Satchel
Coach 14782 SV/Violet

I can't resist myself from going back to the store. I know I know... I have way more bags than I should, but if you are in my situation ( provided you love to shop and love bargains) you will do the same.

Guess how much I paid for those bags? They are just about $80-90 each!! What a bargain right! Retailed at $358... $80 is only like 20% of the original price. I got into this temptation of buying cheap "damaged" items ever since I bought the first, white bag(above). It was suppose to have markings on it.. and I managed to wipe it off and it looked brand new! I went back today and got the other one.. suppose to have scratching/markings on it too.. but it's hardly noticeable.. and I saved 80% off the original price!!

They are not really damaged, with broken handles, spoiled zipper or anything big deal.. a scratch or two that I will get sooner or later.. and I saved a bunch because of a tiny little wipe-able marking.. I am so happpppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)